

发表日期:2021-07-30 10:14:48   作者来源:方维网络   浏览:2569   标签:英文响应式网站    网站前端制作    通讯公司网站建设    



Our innovative broadband push-to-talk and body cam products have been supplied to more than 50 countries globally, delivering great satisfaction to our customers. We serve a variety of sectors including public safety, private security, utilities, transportation and more.
At Telox we understand that the PMR industry is critical for maintaining a safe world, and see the massive potential for its development in parallel with broadband and internet technology. Our aim is to take advantage of this technology and integrate it with traditional PMR form factors, thus providing innovative and valuable solutions to our channel partners and customers.
Telox consists of a young, deeply professional, team which is profoundly dedicated to its customers. Our R&D team focuses on developing products that can bring real value, while our manufacturing team maintains the highest standards to produce cutting-edge tough devices. Our technical support team works around the clock to solve any problems that our customers might have, with our sales people providing on-site training and sales support.
We believe that the best way to succeed is to grow together with our customers. Come and be part of our global success!


网站类型:响应式网站     版式预期:简约大方     程序语言:PHP+MYSQL     引导动画:没有     Logo:自备
语言版本:英文      网页大小:自适应全屏     是否静态:无     行业类别:手机数码/通讯/电器 